Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dorm Room DIY: Dry Erase Note Frame

Who doesn't love a cute note by one of your friends right in your dorm room? Or even a quick way to remind yourself of an important school task? This fun and easy DIY project is a cute dry erase note frame perfect for your best friend to leave you a cute note right on your desk!

You will need:
  • A frame (any size of your choice)
  • A lined piece of notebook paper
  • A Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Craft flowers
  • Glue gun 
  • A dry erase marker

1. Measure your lined piece of paper on the frame and trace with a pencil.
2. Cut the piece of paper precisely and remove the backing of the frame.
3. Insert the cut piece of lined paper into the frame and insert the backing of the frame. 
4. Using your glue gun, glue 2 flowers on the top left hand corner of the frame and let dry. 

Now your friends can easily write you notes right on your desk and you can even write reminder notes for yourself! 

What are some creative ways you like to leave notes for your friends or yourself? Tell me your creative ideas! 

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