Thursday, August 15, 2013

Career Path: How to Banish Your Major Problems

Choosing a major and actually sticking with it can be a challenge. For some of the freshman coming into college you might be thinking, "How can I know what I want to do for the rest of my life in such a short amount of time?!" Although it may seem difficult, it is not impossible. There is a career for everyone! All it really takes is some self evaluation and thinking about your goals for your future. So try asking yourself these 3 questions to give yourself an idea on what major is perfect for you.

What are my academic interests? Think about those subjects you were really good at in high school. You're academic interests can gear you into the right direction. For example, if you really enjoyed your math classes then think about majors that involve crunching numbers such as Finance or Engineering. We're you really interested by the topics in your history class? Think about majoring in Anthropology or Political Science! The possibilities are endless. The most important thing is that your major is something you enjoy and interests you!

What environment do I work best in? This question can not only help you figure out what major is best for you but also what kind of career you would like to have. If you are the kind of person that likes to work individually think about majors such as Computer Science or Accounting where you are mainly focusing on your own tasks. If you are looking for a career that will help you meet new people and interract with others, think about the Education field where you can interact with students or even Criminology. Thinking about your best working environment can help you decide what major is best for you.

Do I see myself working in this field in the future? It's safe to say that if you do not see yourself working in that field for at least 5 years, then that major is definitely not for you. You spend a lot of money and hard work in college so why waste it on a degree that you wouldn't use? Choose a major that involves a career you see yourself working longterm. Although there may be many careers within the major you choose, make sure they involve opportunities for you to grow in that field.

The most important thing is that your major is something you love to do. It is better to sit down and think about what major you want to choose than changing your major 4 times within your college career. The best way to figure out which field is best for you is experience! Ask your friends what their majors are and why it interests them. Their opinion can definitely influence yours! You can even choose an elective to see if that field fascinates you! Also, contact your academic advisor to help guide you on what majors are right for you.

What is your major and why did you choose it? Let us know by commenting below!

Stay fabulous and sassy!

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