Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Commit To Be Fit: Staying Fit On Campus

Staying fit while on campus is probably one of the hardest things to do. Why? Well, being so busy with classes, working a part time job and being involved in extra curricular activities, the only exercise we really get is walking to class and the cafeteria. BUT there should be no excuse to squeeze in some extra workouts during the week. Trust me ladies, it is not impossible to plan fitness into your schedule. You don't have to workout every single day, but burning those extra calories will make a difference. Here are 4 ways you can stay fit on campus:

  1. Take a fitness class - One way I love to stay fit is taking fitness classes. Most schools provide free fitness classes for students such as Zumba, Spinning (my personal fave) or even Yoga. Do some research at your school to find out and if not check out a gym near campus that provides fitness classes. They're usually about 45 minutes to an hour long each so it's not too time consuming. 
  2. Join a team - Sport teams are probably the easiest way to stay fit and committed. Check out a sport you like to play and try out for the team! Just want to play for fun? Join an intramural team! You'll get to play your favorite sport but compete against those at your school. 
  3. Go to the gym - Okay this one might seem a little obvious but just do it! Going for 30 minutes to an hour is better than not going at all. Go in between classes or even at night but fitting it into your schedule should be no problem. Most schools have gyms you can go to for free so take advantage of it!
  4. Challenge your friends - Working out alone is not as nearly as fun as working out with friends. Go for a jog around campus or challenge your friends to see who can burn the most calories on the elliptical. Make it interesting! Challenging your friends make it fun and easier to burn calories. 
What are some ways you like to stay fit on campus? Tell me you calorie burning activities below!

Stay Fabulous and Sassy!


  1. My college days are behind me but I always used to work out in my room. Just do some fitness exercises every morning.

    1. That's also a great way to stay fit on campus! Quick and convenient.
